
I saw Dr. Tiltmann in New York for a 3 hour McGill assessment in February 2022, which was after I had been struggling with almost constant lower back pain, including regularly reoccurring severe episodes, over the last 2 years. An MRI revealed that I had several herniated discs in my lumbar spine. While my surgeon did not recommend surgery at this stage, he also did not really find any other solution that would prevent severe episodes from reoccurring.   
I had read Dr McGill’s book (Back Mechanic) about a year ago. And while I had understood the main ideas behind it and had been doing the exercises almost daily, it still made a huge difference seeing Dr Tiltmann in person. During the 3 hour appointment, Dr Tiltmann spent an hour explaining all of the concepts and ideas of the method to me, he proceeded then to a detailed physical examination trying to discover all of my pain triggers. And he finished with teaching me the exact form of how to do the McGill Big 3 exercises. He also patiently answered all of my many questions both during the appointment, and during a follow up zoom call 2 weeks later.  
It turned out there were several crucial aspects of the McGill exercises that I was not quite doing correctly, because I never had anyone look at me doing them before. Dr Tiltmann walked me through the exercises in great detail, and took videos of me performing them correctly. I also learned a lot about how my movement patterns will have to change, how I have to stand up and sit down by focusing much more on hinging my hips. Dr Tiltmann really made me understand the concept of thinking of the back like a savings account, where everything I do has a cumulative effect. It turned out that I was probably doing too much too soon after each of the latest severe episodes, and I never really allowed my back to heal. 
All of this has already made a significant difference just in the last 3 weeks. I have less pain, and the sciatica is almost gone, since I am much more careful and focused on my movements, but also much more disciplined with doing the exercises, without overdoing it.  
But I think the biggest impact of seeing Dr Tiltmann for me was psychological. For the first time in 2 years I feel that I am in control of my own destiny, rather than being a victim of my back injury. For the last 2 years I had been thinking of my back issue more and more as a disability I would have to live with, whereas now I feel really confident that it is something that can heal and it is largely up to me to make that happen. 
I am very grateful that I saw Dr. Tiltmann and have already recommended him to several of my friends who also struggle with lower back pain.

Georg Georg is a 53-year-old, 6’2” 180 lbs. male who flew in to see me from Hong Kong. He had 2 major low back events in 2015 and 2019, but the most significant was in 2020 while carrying some heavy boxes.